Welcome to the AutoNetTV Drive Product Support page

both my menu's keep spooling saying " synchronizing device". i have un plugged and rebooted the devices twice now with now change. has been this way for two hours now. what can i do to resolve?

To all - we apologize for the server outage issue we experienced today. It began in the middle of the night and continued for several hours. The issue was completely resolved a few hours ago - hopefully, if you called us, you received word by phone that the issue was resolved. We're finalizing a new round of enhancements and features that you'll soon receive as part of your subscription service to Menu and/or Lobby TV - and those server changes were part of this outage. We'll notify all of our customers by email when we release these new features (without any more server outages), and give you the complete details and information on how to use them with your account. Thank you so much for your patience and your business. Please email or call with any additional issues.

I would recommend that you call in to our service center to make sure there is nothing wrong with your account.

My autonet in only coming on at 10:30 every day. Has been happening for a couple of weeks now
As the header states. I only get a blank screen until 10:30 each morning and then it suddenly starts working.

what should the size of the picture be to be full screen?
What should the size of the picture file be to be full screen?

how do i change my video playlist
i have several videos in my lobby tv playlist but it only seems to play the top 5. how do i make it play the whole list?

Issue playing Video
The media player will start a video out with audio that is found 10 seconds into the video then when it the audio reaches it's end it will cut the video off 10 seconds early. I've contacted multiple people from autonettv but the issue is still not fixed, can we get this solved so my videos play properly? I spend a lot of time creating them.

print menu
how can i print the prices on the menu for my bdc ?
Also i am the new service manager so i need to change Scott Barbers info to mine
please and thank you
Customer support service by UserEcho