Web Masters - Implementing the RelayAPI for Web Tools
RelayAPI is a web service that serves content from WebTools, via HTTPS, so that developers can easily integrate this content into a custom dynamic site.
How the RelayAPI Works
RelayAPI creates a handshake between the WebTools engine and your dynamic website. Content is stored in your account on the WebTools system and is automatically called and displayed on your website when the appropriate page is loaded by a browser. The content appears on your site and is associated with your URL.
Getting Started
You will retrieve your content through a series of HTTPS requests to your custom RelayAPI URL. The server requires a two part authentication to access the data. The first part is your WebTools Domain. The second part is an API Key. Do not share this information it is specific for your account!
The URL for your account is in the form:
"https://relayapi.autonettv.com/antv/v1/[webtools_domain]/[api_key]//[type of data]/?parameters"
The [webtools_domain] part of the URL is the first part of the authentication system, and is assigned you by the WebTools system.
The [api_key] part of the URL is the second part of the authentication system, and is generated automatically by the WebTools system.
It is important not to share your API key or post it where it can be found; the WebTools Domain and API key are the only level of security to prevent other people from connecting to your account and obtaining your content. Your API key is not your account password. If someone learns your API key, they will not be able to access your WebTools account.
RelayAPI is designed to be simple. You simply use this URL to send a request to WebTools, and the RelayAPI will return the requested data as a JSON array. You will open this URL using your programming language of choice and read its contents. For example, if you were using PHP, you would use the 'file_get_contents' function to get the contents of the URL.
In PHP the request will look something like this:
$result = json_decode( file_get_contents("https://relayapi.autonettv.com/antv/v1/[webtools_domain]/[api_key]/[type of data]/?parameters") );
You can request three types of data: Posts, Archives, and Categories.
Retrieving Posts
Posts are your content, and contain a unique ID, a title, a post date, and custom content. You can edit your RelayAPI content in the 'Articles' section of your site.
In PHP a request for post will look like this:
$result = json_decode( file_get_contents("https://relayapi.autonettv.com/antv/v1/[webtools_domain]/
/[api_key]/posts/?parameters") );
Parameters are optional. If no parameters are specified RelayAPI will return your most recent 10 posts.
There are 6 parameters for retrieving posts:
Name | Description | Default |
post_id | The unique ID of the Post that you want to retrieve. If this parameter is set, it will override all other parameters. This parameter must be an integer value. | Not Set |
limit | The number of results to return. This parameter must be an integer. | 10 |
start_date | The start date and time for post. When set, RelayAPI will return only post with a post date after the start_date. This parameter may be a timestamp or any well formatted date string (i.e. "[numeric datetime]" or "[string datetime]") | Not Set |
end_date | The end date for post. When set, RelayAPI will return only post with a post date before the end_date. This parameter may be a timestamp or any well formatted date string (i.e. "[numeric datetime]" or "[string datetime]") | The current date and time |
offset | Offset the results by this amount. This parameter must be a positive integer. | 0 |
search | A search parameter for the post. When set, RelayAPI will return only post that fit the search parameter (both title and content are searched). | Not Set |
category_id | The unique ID of the Category that you want to retrieve. This is used to narrow results. | Not Set |
Understanding the results of a post query
The result of the above request will fill the $result variable with an array of objects. Each object will have the following variables:
Name | Description | Type |
post_id | The unique ID of the Post. | unique integer value. |
post_date | The date this Post was published. | Timestamp 2000-01-01 00:00:00 |
title | The title of the Post. | String |
content | The content of the Post | String |
category | The CategoryID of the post. If this post is "uncategorized", then this field will not exist. | Integer |
Some Examples
Here are some examples of queries for different scenarios.
Retrieve the most recent 10 posts in PHP:
$result = json_decode( file_get_contents("https://relayapi.autonettv.com/antv/v1/[webtools_domain]/
[api_key]/posts/") );
Retrieve the most recent 5 posts in PHP:
$result = json_decode( file_get_contents("https://relayapi.autonettv.com/antv/v1/[webtools_domain]/
[api_key]/posts/?limit=5") );
Retrieve all the post for December 2010 (more than 10 if there are more) in PHP:
$result = json_decode( file_get_contents("https://relayapi.autonettv.com/antv/v1/[webtools_domain]/
[api_key]/posts/?start_date=2010-12-01+00:00:00&end_date=2011-01-01+00:00:00&limit=none") );
Retrieving Archives
Listing an archive of post is very common on a blog. By retrieving Archives through RelayAPI you can easily construct a list of archives for your WebTools Content. A request in PHP for archives will look like this:
$result = json_decode( file_get_contents("https://relayapi.autonettv.com/antv/v1/[webtools_domain]/
[api_key]/archive/?parameters") );
Parameters are optional and there is only one parameter for retrieving archives. When parameters are not specified, RelayAPI will return data for you to construct a monthly list of archives:
Name | Description | Default |
interval | The interval of time for each item in the archive list. This parameter must be either "month" or "year". | month |
Understanding the results of an archive query
The result of the above request will fill the $result variable with an array of objects. Each object will have the following variables:
Name | Description | Type |
start_date | The post date of the oldest post in this archive. | Timestamp |
end_date | The post date of the most recent post in this archive. | Timestamp |
title | The title of this Archive, as generated by WebTools.com based on your "interval" setting. | String |
post_count | The number of posts in this Archive. | Integer |
Retrieving Categories
Listing the categories that have been posted to by an account is very common on a blog. By retrieving Categories through RelayAPI you can easily construct helpful links for your customers. A request in PHP for categories will look like this:
$result = json_decode( file_get_contents("https://relayapi.autonettv.com/antv/v1/[webtools_domain]/
/[api_key]/category/") );
Unlike the requests for posts, the request to retrieve categories does not need any parameters. It will always return the full list of all categories that are being used by this account.
Understanding the results of a category query
The result of the above request will fill the $result variable with an array of objects. Each object will have the following variables:
Name | Description | Type |
category_id | The unique ID of this category. If this is the "uncategorized" category, this will be null. | Integer |
category_name | The name of this category. If this is the "uncategorized" category, this will be null | String |
post_count | The number of posts in this category. | Integer |
The Theory Behind WebTools
You do not want your site to simply link to your RelayAPI URL, rather you want your server to read the content from RelayAPI and display only the content from RelayAPI. This can be done by ensuring that all of you links you generate always call back to your website
An Javascript example is provided using 100% Javascript and HTML. No server side services are needed. The same techniques used in the example can be used in PHP, Java, etc. This example also uses JQuery, which is a low profile Javascript library to expedite some functions. JQuery is an open source project and is released under the MIT license.https://jquery.org/license/.
You need to only change the webtools_domain and the api_key variables in relayapi-setup.js to watch the RelayAPI work. The Javascript based example is for purposes of demonstration only! It is not recommended to use this method for production!!!
An PHP example is provided using PHP and HTML. Your server must be using at least PHP 5.2. You need to only change the $webtools_domain and the $api_key variables in php/relayapi-setup.php to watch the RelayAPI work.
PHP File descriptions:
Example ZIP File structure:
| relayapi-example.css
| relayapi-help.html
| relayapi-core.js
| relayapi-example-details.html
| relayapi-example.html
| relayapi-setup.js
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